
Paddle Processing Credits (limited to startups with >$20,000 MRR or funding)

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What is Paddle?
Paddle is the only all-in-one payments infrastructure for B2B & B2C SaaS companies wanting to sell and scale globally.
For who does it make sense?
If you’re a SaaS company selling internationally, you need an international revenue infrastructure (currencies, payment methods, local banks, merchant accounts, tax advisors, etc).
Selling through Paddle gives access to:
  • Payment processing (local gateways, currencies, international payment methods)
  • Subscription management
  • Enterprise invoicing
  • Tax compliance
  • Metrics (single source of truth for all revenue streams, including enterprise invoicing)
  • ProfitWell
Every SaaS company has two possible paths when going global:
  1. Piecemeal: build and maintain their own stack of tools serving each country’s needs
  1. All-in-one: sell through Paddle’s all-in-one platform that scales with their needs and that already has the best in class payments, banking and tax infrastructure worldwide
Three key results:
Growth: revenue increase of 7-9% (through better checkout conversions, fewer payment failures, lower churn)
Costs: Lower complexity, no engineering resource required to develop & maintain the payment infrastructure
Liability: All work & liability related to sales tax offloaded to Paddle
Who can I speak to for more information?
Paddle point of contact:
Indie Worldwide point of contact:
Anthony Castrio - anthony@indieworldwide.co
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